Friday, February 6, 2015

Rigid Removable Dressing,

       Once a patient has an amputation there is always a risk of falling and injuring the stump.  This can 

happen even when closely supervised. Patients can also just forget about their amputation and try to stand.

       A rigid removable dressing, (RRD) helps prevent that from happening by providing a   protective dressing for

 the  stump.  The RRD can be applied in the operating room after amputation or within a few days after 

surgery. There are a several different types of post-op dressing, such as the Ossur vacuum, plastic 

prefabricated or direct formed with casting material.  

       Ossur has a vacuum formed RRD that is great for patients that are still  in the hospital. It is 

adjustable and reformable as the stump continues to mature. It also encompasses the knee and thigh which 

reduces the chance of a flexion contracture . 

       The traditional RRD designed in 1968 by Dr , Burgess  was cast with  plaster ( and then 

later fiberglass)  with  layers of socks and padding    The cast was made with enough space that it was still 

removable but snug enough to stay put. It was held on with a strap so that when the patient’s stump 

reduces in size, the RRD will still stay on for protection. These RRD are usually below the knee so the 

patient can still bend their knee which can lead to flexion contractions . After suture removal the patient can

progress to the use of an elastic stump shrinker or  

Contact us at  Benchmark Prosthetics 1-7172953073  to meet or talk to one of our licensed  prosthetists 

about the benefits of a rigid removable dressing.

Kraig Helberg CP  LP PO000177

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